Meditation Protection AllSpark Orgone Isometric Cube
Please see below for a complete list of properties each ingredient brings to this amazing device.
Geo Orgone Energy cube was made with fourteen Lemurian crystals pointing out at each corner of the cube so it shoots out Orgone energy from every direction. The Geo Orgone Protection Cube is multi-functional it can be used as a charging cube by placing items on the top for 24-48 hours.
If you hold this in your hands whilst meditating, not only will you be able to block out the outside world you will be able to reach a deeper Zen-like meditative state than ever before.
This device can also be used for reiki healing work by placing the base over the area of concern whilst placing the palm of your hand over the top focusing your energy through the cube and down the area of concern.
The Sacred Geometric Orgone Protection Cube has brass, copper particle, 23k gold flakes, silver bullion pieces/flakes, steel wool soaked in colloidal silver water, orme, aluminium, bronze & iron powder.
The crystals inside are Amethyst, Quartz, Amber, Black Tourmaline, Citrtine, Ruby, Merlinite, Ametrine, Jasper, Shungite, Magnetite, Hematite, Tiger’s Eye & Garnet.
I have studied Ancient Indian Crystal healing these crystals are all linked with and enhance life force healing and protection energy so they will amplify the Orgone energy output of the Orgone cube.
I wanted the full colour spectrum to radiate out of this device from every direction, something which I have wanted to do for the last few years but until now it had eluded me. I had tried many combinations of crystals, metals and gemstones. This device will give of all the colours of the spectrum so it will be a very powerful device because of various frequencies in all directions it emits and the frequencies will reach further radius than any other device I have created before this. I truly feel that this is one of the most versatile devices available. Colour has a massive impact on our life without us even knowing it, the more balanced of the colours and frequencies of the device is the better and more powerful it becomes. The balance of metals, gemstones and crystals have been chosen based on the principles of colour therapy, of which I have been studying and experimenting with for the last 15 years.
Please see below I have complied a list of properties each gemstone, metal, colour and crystal within the device hold.
The following metals radiate the following colours:
Copper: Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, & Indigo
Titanium: Red, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo & Violet
Iron: Red, Orange, Indigo & Violet
Gold: Yellow,
The above colours relate to the below properties:
Green: Growth, Knowledge, Earth Connection, Grounding, Earthing, Vitality, Health
Red: Passion, Power, Lust, Strength.
Orange: Stimulation, Action, Energy, Creativity, Productivity
Yellow: Intelligence, Mental Clarity, Alertness, Open Mind, God Energy, Solar Energy, Planetary Influences.
Purple/Indigo: Magical Ability, Manifestation, Creation, Alchemy, High Spirituality, Third-eye Awareness, Spiritual Wisdom.
Blue: Psychic Ability, Psychic Vision, Premonitions, Prophetic dreams, Peace, Tranquillity, Serenity, Healing, Kindness, Psychic Awareness.
The crystals within the device yield the following properties:
Haematite - Concentration, Memory, Grounding, Protection, Earth Connection, balances meridians within the body, Dissolves negativity, aid for addictive substances.
Selenite: Lend energy to body, Very High Frequency, Lifts your mood, Balances, Healing stone - hold over 3rd eye to transmit healing/message to another person.
Pyrite - Deflection of harm and negativity, protection stone, Shielding, Inspires creativity, increases leadership qualities.
Kyanite: Never Needs Clearing or Charging, Attunes, Align Chakras especially 3rd Eye, Throat Chakra, Stimulates Communication and Psychic awareness on all levels. Aries, Libra & Taurus.
Rose Quartz: Love, Surrounds Body with rays of Pink, Stress, Self-Love, Compassion & Taurus.
Amethyst: Travel protection, Associated with Venus and Number 3, Eradicate Addiction, Boosts Energy, Psychic Stone, Spiritual Enhancement, Star sign Aquarius/Pisces.
Shungite: Healing stone, Absorbs Radiation, Water Cleanser with potent healing vibration.
Amber: Opens Energy Channels, Electrically Charged when Rubbed, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Capricorn and Aquarius.
Black Tourmaline: Ancient Healing Stone, Teller Stone, Shamans Powerful healing and Protection Stone, Activates/Clears Chakras, Balances Yin/Yang, Synchronises Left and Right Brain, Repels Negativity, Shields Radiation, Powerful protection against electro-magnetic fields (EMF's), Astral projection amplification and Leo.
Citrine: Raises Vibrations to the Spiritual Realities, Wealth, Confidence, Psychic Enhancement, Stimulates Mental Creativity, Eliminates Toxins in Chakras, Opens our minds to superior ideas, Helps asthma sufferers, Wealth, Confidence, Gemini, Leo, Libra and Aries.
Turquoise: Use with Amber, Native American Indians Protective stone, Dispels Negativity, Clears Aura, Changes colour at time of Impending Danger, Protect against Pollution, Hathor, Buddha, The Great Spirit, Associated Metals Gold. Magical Properties, Guardian against negative magic, Travellers stone & Wealth, Scorpio, Sagittarius & Pisces.
Tigers Eye: Travellers Stone, Intuition, Psychic Development, Protection during Battle, Balancing Brain Hemispheres, Wealth Attraction, Increases Life Force/Orgone Energy within Body, Leo.
Sodalite: Mental clarity, calming stone, Joy to heavy heart, self-esteem/trust/acceptance, harmony, trust, balancing stone.
Clear Rutilated Quartz: Repels Harmful Energies and Psychic Attack, Reduce Stress, Increase the "Law of Harmony", Increase Career Prospects, Increase Energy, Refresh Kundalini and Serpents Fire (which is at the base of the spine, this usually lies dormant in most of us but this stone can help activate it causing energy running up the spine to the brain causing the 3rd eye to activate)
Customer reviews
Been a customer at Photon Orgone for years. Love this cube, its absolutely amazing for meditating with, I place on my lap, I fell asleep a few times but its very powerful and weighty for its size. Love you Suli
Akbar | Birmingham, UK | August 2015
Greetings fellow travellers in life. I AM so excited to receive my beautiful cube and the pendent -cell phone protection I just ordered.that for my daughter who is on her phone a lot when it comes I will let you know my thoughts and feelings . I asked my dousing crystal which one out of 5 to get my higher self choose this cube PRO-PEACE
Melissa | Gloucestershire U.K. | August 2015
I had an interesting experience as I recently started sun gazing. This morning, I held the cube during my preparation and gazing, and it felt almost like a little sun in its own right, with energy radiating out all over it. I had to re-ground myself afterwards.
Glenn | Missouri, USA | October 2015
Brand | Photon Orgone |
Condition | New |
Product Code | SMALL BLK CUBE |
Weight | 0.5kg |