Gemini Gemstone Birthstone Zodiac Orgone Gold Pyramid

Product code: yellow pyramid
This Pyramid is designed to be used by Gemini as enclosed has the following Gemstones, Minerals and Crystals in either rock or powdered form: Citrine, Blue Lace Agate, Beryl Emerald, Chryoscolla & Apophylite. 

Steel Wool - Soaked in Colloidal silver and allowed to dry in the sun

Iron Powder

Copper Powder

Orme/Monatomic Gold Powder

23k Gold Flakes

Tin Shavings

Copper Shavings

Aluminium Shavings

Brass Shavings

Kyanite Krystal Powder

Selenite Crystal Powder

Double Terminated Quartz Crystal

Herkimer Diamond Powder

Danburite Stone (This amplifies other stones)

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Product Code yellow pyramid
Weight 0.4kg