Wilhelm Reich was in Freuds inner circle - some say that he was being groomed to take over the leadership of the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA) - but he was out of spun out of the organization for his social reforms and anti-Nazi work. Historians since have documented the general capitulation of German psychoanalysis to the Nazis, but not as Wilhelm Reich, an Austrian-Ukrainian of jew background.Freud's early work strongly suggested emotions and sexuality were expressing a marked energetic "something", but it was Reich who gave the clearest evidence that the Freudian libido was a real energy discharged during emotional expression and sexual
Parents or social penalty against detT youthful expression of emotion, or sexual love led to internalized oppression - but this was only by literally tighten their muscles, binding energy in the body and creates a powerful internal conflict bioenergetic stress. If oppression became chronic, formed the consequent chronic internal stress a neuromuscular reinforcement (much like metal armor of medieval knights), by which the individual protective walls of from an outer world of painful experiences. Reich developed therapeutic methods to help people to give up their emotional armor, but he approached the problem from the social and political side of things, like working to pass laws against child abuse, to give women equal rights and equal pay and to make divorce and contraception more freely available. For this, he was severely attacked by the Nazis, who were in fact very extreme "moral majoritarians"
. The mid-1930s, Reich had been kicked out of the IPA, his books were attacked and burned by the Nazis and the German Communist Party.
He fled to Denmark and later to Scandinavia, where, he committed some of the first bioelectrical experiments on the subject of human sexuality and emotional expression. Reich bioelectrical experiments showed that human emotions, sexual excitation and orgastic discharge were measurable phenomenon.It was a groundbreaking discovery in human sexuality and psychology - but the first in a series of discoveries that increasingly would put him at odds with the prevailing academic / scientific status quo of his time.
The science in the 1930s was intolerant towards an open discussion on "orgasm" and Reich books sat uncompromising focus on such issues: the function of the orgasm, the sexual revolution, people in trouble, and its intensity Mass Psychology of Fascism are classics hardly mention today .
Reich later experiments with amoeba would produce other breakthroughs in the biological sciences, the discovery of the specific process bionous decay of tissues, which formed the basis for the cancer cell is formed. Reich's findings on cancer are directly observable, and not just some speculative theory.
Unlike conventional medicine, revealed the Reich's discovery also the role of emotional-sexual energy in the psychosomatic process. What first seemed to be just "bioelectricity" later clarified by Reich as a much more powerful bioenergetic force - a form of life energy in the work of living organisms, which expresses itself as emotion and sexuality, but also directly observable in the microscope as a bluish-glowing field around living blood cells and other substances. This bluish glowing energy, which he eventually called Orgone energy (to keep their relationship alive processes), later observed as a blue-glowing aura-like phenomenon around organisms, trees and even mountain ranges. The blue Orgone is also available in a free form in the atmosphere - Reich wrote of an "envelope" of blue-glowing energy surrounding the earth long before the first satellite photos confirmed det.Orgone energy in the atmosphere was a physical phenomenon similar to the old ideas " vital force "and" Aether "together.It behaves lawfully, fills all space, expands and contracts in the pulsating rhythm, and interact in different ways with different material substances of any type of matter seems to attract Orgone, but at different speeds. Water attracts highly Orgone or life energy, which gives rise to the phenomenon of living water (classically described as "activated" or "structured" water), which is essential for life processes, and to the Earth's weather, too. Orgone was also demonstrated in high vacuum (as with the "zero-point" vacuum fluctuation, etc.) shows that filled the whole space much like a cosmic Aether. Reich experiments in these directions has led to even more controversy: new approaches to end drought and greening deserts, and new approaches to the problem of nuclear waste detoxification. His experiments suggested a new source of pollution-free energy as a day could push humanity to the stars. Fantastic? Sure, but stable, based on new experimental tests and observations in the best tradition of science.
The campaign against Reich
During the Reich's studies, he developed a special metal-lined box that attracted a large charge of Orgone energy inside itself, directly from the atmosphere: the Orgone energy accumulator. The Orgone Accumulator was proven to charge seeds and growth garden plant, speed healing of burns and cuts, and there are a number of physical experiments that show abnormal phenomena in the accumulator. Reich noted that some types of low-energy disease, such as cancer, symptomatic would give accurate application of Orgone accumulator. After he moved to the U.S., he treated people experimentally with their combined emotional / Orgone-energetic approach. Within a few years, but he was attacked by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which was at that time (1955) in an all-out "war" against natural healing methods (the repression of natural healing methods have always been a big agenda of FDA).FDA obtained a court injunction which ordered the ban and burning of Reich's books - a book that contains the forbidden word "Orgone" was ordered destroyed even his classic on human sexuality as just mentioned Orgone energy in the preface. FDA actually burned Reich's books and journals on several occasions (most recently in 1962), while Reich was given a 2-year sentence for a misdemeanor technicality, dying in prison in 1957. FDA's attack against Reich constituted a fraud the courts and the American people, and Reich legal case continues to overshadow the more well-known Scopes Monkey Trial of constitutional significance, that a U.S. court approved the burning of scientific books and jailing of scientists for maintaining unorthodox views.